Wednesday, 25 April 2012

iTunes revolutionizes digital music world - Part 2

iTunes is what are some are calling the future of digital music, iTunes you can do a variety of things apart from it just being a music player to being the work centre of your iPads,iPods and iTouchs. iTunes has broken allot of boundaries when it comes to spreading music that you love on iTunes you can find a variety of music genre's such as Rock, Hip Hop, Classical and so forth. Advantages of this programme it features applications such as iCloud where you can save your music wireless using Wi-fi. now available on iTunes on the South African side it has made South African music available internationally  artists such as Lady Smith Black Mambazo,AKA, L-Tido,Brenda Fassie and others are available on iTunes which is a great advantage for South African artists to get exposure.

Some disadvantages with iTunes it is not really user friendly its needs time geting used to but once known it is a very it's very handy, iTunes is for Apple products such as iPods, iPads and iTouches, iTunes for Windows can only sync with iPod, iPhone, or Apple TV. However, the music you import with iTunes, or iTunes Plus purchases, will play on many third-party music players.Apple products are seen as expensive and not for the normal consumers and target markets and since that is associated  there is a tendency of thinking iTunes music is also expensive which relatively decent price. All in all iTunes is a very handy program allows you to get what you want when you want and its recommended by many.

On the last instalment of this blog Part 3 i will be discussing the Applications that you can get to make music more available to get to make your music experience  to make using iTunes and Apple products a music tool to desire.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

iTunes revolutionizes digital music world - Part 1


 ITunes is a computer program media player that you can use  for playing music , downloading , coping , saving and organising digital music and video files on your desktop or laptop computers it can also be utilised for managing content on a iPod, iPhone,iPodTouch and iPad. iTunes is a free program you can download on and with iTunes you can to connect to the iTunes Store where it is possible to purchase and:
  • Download music
  • Music videos 
  • Pod casts
  • Ring tones and more features.
That was a brief description of what iTunes is and whats its about to those who don't know what it is, iTunes has changed the digital music industry by giving artist a broader market and still getting royalties and album sales. With iTunes now you as the consumer have a choice such as being able to buy and download albums of they choice and with iTunes you get a preview of the track selection available on the album which is like being at the Music Shop just now you are in the comfort of your own home and iTunes has given the option of the consumer to buy  single tracks unlike going to the shops to buy an album just to listen to a few selected songs but now you buy want you want, There is a virtual library where you can see and view all your music another great advantage about iTunes is you can buy old albums that you cant find at Music Shops and sometimes even online sites well it is available for purchase on iTunes.

This a 3 part series,In part 2 to I will be discussing the impact and difference it has made on South African Music and Disadvantages iTunes and Improvements that could go to its advantages concerning new media and piracy prevention.

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Winter Music Conference 2012 Part 2
Sorry for the inconvenience to my bloggers,viewers and followers for the late post i know i said the 11th April 2012 my apologies.

Every year WMC has improvements this year it introduced the WMC experience by delivering ten non-stop days of music programing. Winter Music Conference is where i would like to see myself at in years to come people from over 206 countries attend and event is outspoken of our very own homebrewed Deejays Black Coffee and the House music  duo Deejay Fresh and Euphonik attended this conference and everything they said was positive about the conference from the life style, the people, exhibitions and most importantly the music. After coming back from the conference DJ Euphonik said and i quote "whether you a good DJ or bad DJ Winter Music Conference is the place to to be". The deejay says at the conference learn and gain so much more knowledge and experience that you never forget and add valuable insight to whatever music career  you are pursuing or are a producer,DJ or artist. The conference catches my attention for even as an aspiring Public Relations Practitioner i believe this conference can help you gain valuable contacts,media skills, chance to rub shoulders with celebrities and favourite international deejays and producers and its in my plans to attend upcoming years  to get more insight on the Public Relations and Marketing side of music.

                  Link to view a  video to get a little insight on the Winter Music Conference:

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Winter Music Conference 2012

Established in 1985 Winter Music Conference is the largest music industry gathering of its kind,This year being its 27th year the gathering is still growing and going stronger every year its one of the most published music gatherings around March every year Deejays, Producers, Artists...etc are planning for the conference exhibiting they new music,business ventures, disc jocks preparing they best sets, record labels looking for new artists and talent that is at the conference. This year it was from the 16-25 March 2012  and as usual WMC attracts thousands of artists and music industry delegates from 70 countries and over 100,000 event attendees each year for a concentrated schedule of more than 400 events, parties, seminars and workshops. 2012 statistics haven't come out yet but the 2011 are available on

The connference takes place in Miami Beach, Florida and how people take part in the conference you register to join in on the site where you can download application form Early Registration  was $275 and Late Registration/Walk-up Registration was $475 you receive a WMC Badge which covers you for :

  • Music Meets Fashion: March 16 – 17, 2012
  • DJ Sets, Live performances & Parties: March 16 – 25, 2012
  • WMC Music Industry Program: March 19 – 24, 2012
  • WMC Trade Show & Exhibits: March 19 – 20, 2012
  • Art & Record Collectors Show: March 24, 2012
  • WMC Rocks: March 23 – 25, 2012
  • Club & Poolside Events: March 16 – 25, 2012

  • I will continue with the Winter Music Conference blog on the 11th of April 2012 and Part 2 is the last instalment of the Winter Music Conference since i have some more information that i feel i would like to share with my viewers and followers.